Binh Duong has 2 companies honored as 2024 "Outstanding businesses for workers"

Cập nhật: 29-06-2024 | 12:10:37

The Vietnam General Confederation of Labor has recently collaborated with the Ministry of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs and the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) to organize the 2024 program honoring "Outstanding Businesses for Workers". This year, 67 businesses nationwide were honored, with two companies from Binh Duong, namely Stellapharm Co., Ltd. and Chi Hung Co., Ltd.

"Outstanding Businesses for Workers" are companies that continually strive to improve the working environment, care for the interests and enhance the material and spiritual lives of their employees. These companies offer welfare benefits higher than the State’s regulations, maintain consistent growth in production & business activities and ensure compliance with tax and social insurance obligations. They foster harmonious and progressive labor relations aimed at sustainable development in the process of integration and growth.

Reported by Quang Dien-Translated by Kim Tin

Chia sẻ bài viết
binh duong

LƯU Ý: BDO sẽ biên tập ý kiến của bạn đọc trước khi xuất bản. BDO hoan nghênh những ý kiến khách quan, có tính xây dựng và có quyền không sử dụng những ý kiến cực đoan không phù hợp. Vui lòng gõ tiếng việt có dấu, cám ơn sự đóng góp của bạn đọc.

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