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Cập Nhật 15-06-2024


Tag: 人道主义,爱心,关爱,无偿献血,志愿

FPT helps Da Nang become Vietnam’s "Silicon Valley" 

Cập Nhật 15-06-2024

FPT is accompanying Da Nang in preparing and training high-quality human resources for the semiconductor industry, with a goal of helping the central city become a "Silicon Valley" of Vietnam.

Tag: fpt,

Front delegation visits Vietnamese embassy in Australia 

Cập Nhật 15-06-2024

A delegation from the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee, headed by Vice Chairman Hoang Cong Thuy, visited the Vietnamese Embassy in Australia on June 14 as part of their working trip to the country.

Tag: front delegation,

Cambodia burns down drugs worth 22.7 million USD 

Cập Nhật 15-06-2024

Cambodian officials on June 14 announced that they have destroyed of 4.1 tonnes of narcotic drugs and precursors worth 22.7 million USD seized from across the Southeast Asian country.

Tag: cambodia,

World Camel Day observed in Vietnam for first time 

Cập Nhật 15-06-2024

An event to observe World Camel Day (June 22) and celebrate the International Year of Camelids (IYC 2024) was jointly organised

Tag: world camel day,

Early US recognition of market economy to increase opportunities for Vietnamese exports 

Cập Nhật 15-06-2024

The US's recognition of the market economy in Vietnam will help expand business opportunities for Vietnamese enterprises and pave the way for Vietnamese exports to this market, according to experts.

Tag: early us recognition of market economy,

Binh Duong provincial Party Committee of provincial agencies kicks up contest of excellent CPV cell secretaries 

Cập Nhật 15-06-2024

On the afternoon of June 14, Binh Duong provincial Party Committee of provincial agencies kicks up the contest of excellent CPV cell secretaries in 2024 t

Tag: cpv cells,secretary contest


Cập Nhật 15-06-2024

(本报讯)省委副书记、省人民委员会主席武文明6月13日上午会见并与由柬埔寨监察部部长华合(Huot Hak )率领的柬埔寨监察部高级别代表团举行工作会议

Tag: 监察部,柬埔寨,监察机构,合作关系

Multiplying love in life 

Cập Nhật 15-06-2024

Continuing the humanitarian journey, on June 14, provincial Red Cross Society organized a program on "Scholarships for disadvantaged students; Voluntary Blood Donation Day and Humanitarian Activities"

Tag: multiplying love in life,

Comments and suggestions on the draft document of the Provincial Vietnam Fatherland Front Congress collected 

Cập Nhật 15-06-2024

On the morning of June 14, the Standing Committee of Provincial Vietnam Fatherland Front continued to hold a conference to discuss and contribute to the draft document

Tag: draft document,fatherland front congress

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